October 1, 2024, 4:14 pm | Currently:


Village Halloween Events Updates

The Ohio Department of Health has released guidance regarding Halloween celebrations in Ohio, including community trick-or-treat activities. The guidance states that the decision on whether to participate in Halloween festivities should be made by local communities, individuals and parents or guardians. Additionally, the document includes Recommended Best Practices for general guidance, parents or guardians, community members and operators of events and attractions.  https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/static/responsible/celebrating-halloween.pdf

Village Trick-or-Treating will be on October 31 from 6:00pm-8:00pm

We encourage those who are vulnerable and at high risk to stay home but residents can make the decision that is best for themselves and their family.

  • If you choose not to give out candy, please be sure your front light is turned off.
  • If you choose to give out candy, please turn your front light on.
  • If you choose to go trick-or-treating, please follow these recommendations as best you can:
    • Social distancing while walking and waiting for candy.
    • Sanitize hands frequently between houses.
    • If you are giving out candy, space it out on a table so kids can grab one rather than having many, many little hands digging through a big bowl of candy.

Some fun stay-at-home Halloween ideas:

  • Indoor candy bar hunt. Dim the lights, add some music, & use flashlights.
  • Mini pumpkin hunt with a bag full of treats at the end.
  • Make cardboard box “cars” for a Halloween movie indoor drive-in.

Whether you choose to stay in or go out, please respect each other’s decisions.  We want everyone to have a safe and fun Halloween!  And, as always, be mindful of children walking through the Village and drive slowly through the neighborhoods!


The annual Reminderville Kids Halloween Party at the RAC has been cancelled but join us for the treat bag drive-thru!