September 5, 2024, 4:58 pm | Currently:


Refuse & Recycling

Kimble Refuse & Recycling

To set up service or for questions/concerns, contact Kimble at 1-800-201-0005 or 330-343-5665

Kimble picks up trash and recyclables on Friday.
Trash and recyclables may be at the curb on Thursday evening after 6:00 p.m.
All items must be at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Friday morning to ensure pick-up by the waste hauler.
NOTE: If any of these holidays fall on Monday through Friday, our collection day will be on Saturday:

New Years Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

General Household Rubbish

There is no limit on the number of containers or bags containing residential rubbish
generated from your household that can be set out for collection.  Latex paint may be put out with general household rubbish as long as the lid is off the paint can and the paint is dried out.  You can use kitty litter, sand, or torn newspaper to dry paint in can.

Large Items – Extra Cost
Large items set at the curb will be collected and on your quarterly bill you will
be invoiced for the collection of the large item. A detailed list will be on your invoice.

Appliances – Extra Cost
Appliances set at the curb will be collected and on your next quarterly bill you will be invoiced. * Freon must be removed, and the appliance tagged by certified technician before they can collect freon containing appliances.

Refuse Items Not Collected
Large car parts, tires, batteries, construction debris from contractors,
and liquids will not be collected.

Recycling Rules & Regulations
Please place your 18-gallon recycling bin out on the curb, separate from your rubbish
containers by 7 am on Fridays. It is not necessary to put your bin out every week unless it is full.

Recycling Items Not Collected
Window glass, light bulbs, drinking glasses, mirrors or ceramics, containers that are contaminated
(such as motor oil, antifreeze, pesticide, herbicide and containers with food in them) will not be collected.
If your recycling bin is not collected due to contaminated items being in them, a note
will be left. Please remove the contamination and set the items out for collection the next week.

Hazardous Materials                                                                                                                                                                                               1201 Graham Road Stow, OH 44224 (Located at the Rt. 8 overpass)  330-374-0383                                                                                     The center is open June 1 – September 28 every Thursday 2:00pm-7:00pm