- Ordinance 01-2024: Amend 2024 Appropriations
- Ordinance 02-2024: Appropriations Adjustment
- Ordinance 03-2024: Appropriations Adjustment
- Ordinance 04-2024: Appropriations Adjustment
- Ordinance 05-2024: Release of Easement
- Ordinance 06-2024: Repeal Ord 05-2024
- Ordinance 07-2024: Authorize Release of Reminderville Easement
- Ordinance 08-2024: Amend Cod Ord 149.09 Employee Handbook
- Ordinance 09-2024: Appropriation and Revenue Adjustment
- Ordinance 10-2024: Appropriation and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 11-2024: Transfer of Funds
- Ordinance 12-2024: Amend Chapter 149 Employment Provisions in Codified Ordinances
- Ordinance 13-2024: Increase PD Pay Rates_Pagano_Berquist_Siegfried_Berquist
- Ordinance 14-2024: Revenue Adjustments to Budget
- Ordinance 15-2024: Adopt 2025 Tax Budget
- Ordinance 16-2024 Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments to Budget
- Ordinance 17-2024: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments to Budget
- Ordinance 01-2023: Fund Transfers
- Ordinance 02-2023: Amend Ordinance 45-2022
- Ordinance 03-2023: Regulations for Portable Storage Containers
- Ordinance 04-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 05-2023: Advance from Fund 1000 to Fund 2051
- Ordinance 06-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 07-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 08-2023: Transfer from Fund 2073 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 09-2023: Pay Rate Change for Civil Service Members
- Ordinance 10-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 11-2023: Transfer from Fund 1000 to Fund 2910
- Ordinance 12-2023: Amend Fire Dept Ordinances
- Ordinance 13-2023: 2024 Tax Budget
- Ordinance 14-2023: Reutilization of Nonproductive Land
- Ordinance 15-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 16-2023 Adopt Codified Ordinances
- Ordinance 17-2023 Transfer Funds From 4907 to 2011
- Ordinance 18-2023 ARPA Funds for Inclusive Playground Equipment
- Ordinance 19-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 20-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 21-2023: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 22-2023: Create Section 149.12 Overtime Pay Rate in Codified Ordinances
- Ordinance 23-2023: Amend Cod Ord Chapter 192 Income Tax
- Ordinance 24-2023: Appropriations Adjustment
- Ordinance 25-2023: Compensation Rates for Officers and Employees
- Ordinance 26-2023: 2024 Budget
- Ordinance 27-2023: Appropriations Adjustment
- Ordinance 01-2022: Amend Cod Ord 141.04 FD Qualifications
- Ordinance 02-2022: Amend Cod Ord 141.16 FD Holiday Dates
- Ordinance 03-2022: Amend Cod Ord 141.19 FD Longevity
- Ordinance 04-2022: Amend Cod Ord 1501.01 Fire Code
- Ordinance 05-2022: Amend Cod Ord 1503.01 Life Safety Code
- Ordinance 06-2022: Repeal Obsolete FD Cod Ords
- Ordinance 07-2022: Appropriation Adjustments to Budget
- Ordinance 08-2022: Create New Fund 2910
- Ordinance 09-2022: Repeal Obsolete FD Cod Ords
- Ordinance 10-2022: Transfer Funds from 2073 to 2041
- Ordinance 11-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments to Budget
- Ordinance 12-2022: Transfer Funds from 1000 to 3901
- Ordinance 13-2022: Transfer Funds from 1000 to 4902
- Ordinance 14-2022: Transfer Funds from 1000 to Term Benefits Fund
- Ordinance 15-2022: Revenue and Appropriation Adjustments to Budget
- Ordinance 16-2022: Advance Funds from 1000 to 2902
- Ordinance 17-2022: Amend Cod Ord 1351.04 Fences
- Ordinance 18-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 19-2022: Amend Cod Ord 139.01 PD Composition
- Ordinance 20-2022: ARPA Procurement Policy
- Ordinance 21-2022: Adopt Lateral Hiring Rules
- Ordinance 22-2022: Amend Cod Ord 139.10 PD Vacation Leave
- Ordinance 23-2022: Amend Cod Ord 149.09 Employee Handbook
- Ordinance 24-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 25-2022: Tax Budget 2023
- Ordinance 26-2022: Repeal Ord 31-2021
- Ordinance 27-2022: Repeal Ord 13-2022
- Ordinance 28-2022: Transfer from Fund 2073 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 29-2022: Adopt Ordinances
- Ordinance 30-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 31-2022: Amend Cod Ord 123.01 Posting Places
- Ordinance 32-2022: Create Fund for Smugglers_Clippers Projects
- Ordinance 33-2022: Create Fund for Opioid Settlement Funds
- Ordinance 34-2022: Authorize ARPA Funds Expenditures_RAC Equipment
- Ordinance 35-2022: Authorize ARPA Funds Expenditures_RAC Revenue Loss
- Ordinance 36-2022: Authorize ARPA Funds Expenditures_Park Improvements
- Ordinance 37-2022: Amenda Cod Ord 149.02 Holidays
- Ordinance 38-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 39-2022: Transfer from Fund 2073 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 40-2022: Amend Cod Ord 141.15 Fire Code Overtime
- Ordinance 41-2022: Create New Fund FEMA Money
- Ordinance 42-2022: Advance Money from Fund 1000 to Fund 2502
- Ordinance 43-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 44-2022: Amend Cod Ord 141.01 FD Composition
- Ordinance 45-2022: Approve Compensation Rates for Officers and Employees 2023
- Ordinance 46-2022: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 47-2022: Approve FY2023 Budget
- Ordinance 48-2022: Adopt Investment Policy
- Ordinance 49-2022: Employee Inflation Hardship Payment
- Ordinance 01-2021: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 02-2021: Transfer from Fund 1000 to 3901
- Ordinance 03-2021: Amend Ordinance 139.01 Police Dept Composition
- Ordinance 04-2021: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 05-2021: Transfer from 2073 to 2041
- Ordinance 06-2021: Amend Codified Ordinance 1335.03
- Ordinance 07-2021: Transfer from Fund 2073 to 2041
- Ordinance 08-2021: Pay Increase SD Supervisor_Herrera
- Ordinance 09-2021: Pay Increase SD Employee_Martin
- Ordinance 10-2021: Pay Increase SD Employee_Jones
- Ordinance 11-2021: Appropriations and Revenues to Budget
- Ordinance 12-2021: Recommendation for Charter Amendment for Districts to be Placed on Ballot
- Ordinance 13-2021: Tax Budget
- Ordinance 14-2021: Transfer from Fund 2073 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 15-2021: Appropriations and Revenues to Budget
- Ordinance 16-2021 Adopting Codified Ordinances
- Ordinance 17-2021: Appropriations to Budget
- Ordinance 18-2021: Advance from Fund 1000 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 19-2021: Appropriations and Revenue to Budget
- Ordinance 20-2021: Reminderville Budget 2022
- Ordinance 21-2021: Salary increase Director Economic Affairs 2022
- Ordinance 22-2021: Salary Increase Police Department 2022
- Ordinance 23-2021: Salary Increase Fire Department 2022
- Ordinance 24-2021: Salary Increase Admin Asst/Clerk of Council 2022
- Ordinance 25-2021: Salary increase Finance Director 2022
- Ordinance 26-2021: Salary Increase Community Events/Seniors Coordinator 2022
- Ordinance 27-2021: Pay Increase RAC Employees 2022
- Ordinance 28-2021: Salary Increase Law Director 2022
- Ordinance 29-2021: Pay Increase Building Dept Clerk 2022
- Ordinance 30-2021: Appropriation and Revenue Adjustments to 2021 Budget
- Ordinance 31-2021: Create New Fund_Capital Fund
- Ordinance 32-2021: Create New Fund_Term Benefits
- Ordinance 01-2020: Transfer from Fund 1000 to Fund 3901
- Ordinance 02-2020: Transfer from Fund 2073 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 03-2020: Appropriations to 3901 OPWC
- Ordinance 04-2020: Amend Ordinance 23-2019 Pay Rates FD
- Ordinance 05-2020 Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 06-2020 Revised Solicitor Ordinance
- Ordinance 07-2020 Transfer from 2073 to 2041
- Ordinance 08-2020 Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 09-2020 Increase Hourly Pay Rate of Hybil_RAC
- Ordinance 10-2020 Accept Tax Budget
- Ordinance 11-2020: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 12-2020: Editing and Inclusion to the Codified Ordinances
- Ordinance 13-2020: Transfer to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 14-2020: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments to 2020 Budget
- Ordinance 15-2020: Transfer from Fund 2910 to Multiple Funds
- Ordinance 16-2020: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 17-2020: Appropriations and Adjustments
- Ordinance 18-2020: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 19-2020: Conversion of Advance to Transfer
- Ordinance 20-2020: Transfer from Fund 2073 to Fund 2041
- Ordinance 21-2020: Repeal Ord 15-2020
- Ordinance 22-2020: Appropriations and Revenue Adjustments
- Ordinance 23-2020: 2021 Budget
- Ordinance 24-2020: Salary increase Director of Economic Affairs
- Ordinance 25-2020: Salary increase Police Dept Personnel
- Ordinance 26-2020: Salary increase Fire Dept Personnel
- Ordinance 27-2020: Salary increase Village Admin Asst_Clerk of Council
- Ordinance 28-2020: Salary increase Fiscal Officer
- Ordinance 29-2020: Pay increase Service Dept Personnel
- Ordinance 30-2020: Salary increase Community Events_Seniors Coord
- Ordinance 31-2020: Pay increase RAC Personnel
- Ordinance 32-2020: Pay increase Law Director