September 5, 2024, 10:04 pm | Currently:


Community Garden

pumpkins sunflower

tomatoesTo plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow~



Returning gardeners can renew plots March 11-28

   First-time gardeners can apply for a plot                                                 starting April 2

Plot map and reservation forms are available at City Hall or click here:  Garden Plot Reservation Form     Garden Plot Map

Submit form and plot fee to City Hall Mon-Thurs 8:00-4:00 or Fri 8:00-12:00.

The Community Garden is located next to the Reminderville Police Station at 3602 Glenwood Blvd. There are 52 10′ x 10′ plots. Each plot is $10 for the season.  

The Service Department will be tilling the land but gardeners may need to make their plot ready for planting.  Projected timeline for planting is weather dependent.  We will contact you when you can start your plots.  There were many plots that were not taken care of last year and weeds were out of control.  If you are not committed to properly maintaining a plot, please do not get one.

Please contact Stacey Task at City Hall with questions at 330-562-1234 or


*Check this out to learn about companion planting!,prevent%20disease%20and%20insect%20infestation.   *Did you know you can ask Starbucks to save coffee grounds for your garden?   *Magnesium deficiency?  Try Epsom salt & water.

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1. Gardeners may be in the garden during the times of 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM.Garden 7

2. Gardeners may not alter the dimensions of their plot.

3. Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot. Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are all the responsibility of the gardener. Gardeners may arrange for other gardeners to water their plots.

4. Garden plots should be cared for at least once a week. It is the gardener’s responsibility to notify the coordinator if he or she is not able to care for their plot in any given week. If any plot remains unattended for more than three weeks that plot is subject to reassignment.

5. The application of chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.), even if labeled “organic”, to the garden plots is prohibited.

6. Gardeners may harvest vegetables and flowers from their garden only.

7. Tall crops, such as sunflowers or corn, or structures should be placed to not shade another garden.

8. Any plant that protrudes into the next plot or walkway may be trimmed or picked. Plant growth must be restricted to your plot.

9. Mulch with leaves, grass clippings, or hay to reduce water evaporation and unwanted weeds.

10. Diseased and infected plants must be removed from your plot and disposed of properly.

11. The Garden is to be used for personal, noncommercial use only.

12. Refrain from stepping off the path and into other plots. Do not plant in, weed, water, or harvest other plots. Permission from a plot renter is allowed for their plot only.

13. Children are welcome in the garden but must be accompanied by an adult and must be supervised at all times.

14. All pets are prohibited from being inside the garden.

15. Smoking is prohibited inside the garden.

16. Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited inside the garden.

17. Growing any plants considered illegal under state or federal law is prohibited.

18. If a plot is not being used or taken care of by July 4th, it will be given to existing gardeners for fall plantings.

19. At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot of all plant material and leaving the plot as they found it in the spring.

Garden 4