September 5, 2024, 5:59 pm | Currently:


Meet the Communications Committee

First Communication Committee Meeting

Carrie, Mark, Vicki, Chip and Meghan

By Vicki Jeromos-Blayney, Committee Chair

2018 brought a reboot of the Communications Committee and in February it all started with our first meeting.  I was thrilled at how many upbeat and friendly villagers attended that day.  Since then, we have created and distributed Welcome packets to new residents, attended and covered various events in the Village, planned the continuance of the email newsletter, and we have much more on the horizon.

We will be contributing articles on the website so check in often to see what’s going on in the Village!

Past articles can be found under “Our Village”.


Meghan and Vicki delivering welcome packets.

If you are interested in joining the Communications Committee, stop at a meeting and see what we’re all about!  ALL ARE WELCOME!!  Our meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7pm at Village Hall.

Drop me an email if you have any questions at