September 5, 2024, 6:12 pm | Currently:


Do You Know Where You Live?

RemindervilleIt may seem like a silly question, but with the uniqueness of Reminderville’s borders and having two school systems, this comes up quite often.  Every street on the Reminderville Street Map is a part of the Village of Reminderville.  Whether you have zip code 44202 or 44087, whether you live in “Old Village”, “New Village”, most of Aurora Shores, Herrington, Willowbrook, Crossings, Glenbrook, Glenwood Apartments, or Liberty Ledges, if your street is on the map – you are in the Village of Reminderville.

This is important to know especially for emergency purposes! If you call 911 and give them an incorrect city, it will delay assistance as they try to find your location. When you call 911 for help, always tell them you live in Reminderville and your dispatch is Twinsburg so the call will quickly go to our responders. If you have a landline for your home phone, call your phone company and make sure your number is set up for Twinsburg dispatch.

Also, remember to file your RITA Taxes and register your license plates as a Reminderville resident.

If you have any questions, contact Stacey Task at Village Hall.  330-562-1234